by Comercial Savage

En una temporada de la Major Arena Soccer League (MASL) que quedará para el recuerdo, varios jugadores se destacaron por su excepcional desempeño en el campo de juego. Entre ellos, Hugo "La Roca" Puentes, Erick Tovar y Miguel Diaz quienes brillaron con luz propia, liderando a su equipo como generadores de puntos

Hugo "La Roca" Puentes

Originario de Ciudad Juárez, Hugo Puentes no solo demostró ser un pilar fundamental para el Savage a lo largo de las 24 jornadas de la competición, sino que también se convirtió en el líder en el grupo de trabajo. Al participar en todos los encuentros de su equipo durante la temporada regular, Puentes mostró una consistencia y dedicación raramente vistas, consolidándose como el  jugador en lograr esta hazaña este año.

Desempeñándose como delantero, Puentes ha sabido sacar provecho de sus características físicas, no precisamente la altura, sino su notable fuerza, que le permite actuar eficazmente como poste. Esta habilidad le facilita retener el balón y generar oportunidades de juego para los mediocampistas, además de encontrar espacios para convertirse en un goleador nato dentro del área. Con 21 goles en su haber esta temporada, de los cuales dos fueron en situaciones de power play, y 13 asistencias, su aporte ofensivo ha sido indispensable. Además, lideró la liga en disparos a puerta, con un impresionante total de 92 intentos, demostrando su determinación y liderazgo en el ataque.

La carrera de Hugo en la MASL se extiende ya por seis temporadas, vistiendo las camisetas de diversos equipos, pero ha sido en sus últimos tres años con el Savage donde realmente ha dejado su marca. Su trayectoria es un testimonio de su evolución como jugador y de su capacidad para adaptarse y destacar, independientemente del equipo para el que juegue.

Erick Tovar

En una temporada de la MASL donde el talento y la destreza han definido el ritmo de juego, Erick Tovar ha emergido como un jugador indispensable para el Savage, demostrando una vez más su valía en la cancha. A pesar de unirse al equipo siete jornadas después del inicio del torneo, Tovar no solo se adaptó rápidamente a su nuevo entorno, sino que también elevó el nivel de juego, convirtiéndose en una pieza clave del esquema táctico del entrenador Genoni Martínez.

Con la misma cantidad de puntos que Miguel Díaz, Tovar se distingue por un porcentaje superior, asegurando su posición como el segundo jugador mas generador de puntos del equipo durante la temporada regular 2023-2024. En 16 encuentros, logró sumar 15 goles y 6 asistencias, además de realizar 67 disparos a la portería contraria. Su efectividad se destacó particularmente en situaciones de power play, donde anotó 4 goles, ubicándose entre los diez mejores de la liga en esta categoría.

El estilo de juego de Tovar se caracteriza por su capacidad de reacción rápida en el área, aprovechando su astucia para ganar posición sobre los defensores y sacar ventaja frente al arco. Esta cualidad lo convierte en un jugador explosivo, con una excepcional lectura del juego, que constantemente pone a prueba las defensas rivales.

Miguel Diaz

Miguel Díaz se ha consolidado como una de las piezas fundamentales del equipo, ocupando merecidamente el tercer lugar en la jerarquía del equipo por su contribución en la temporada regular 2023-2024. El mediocampista juarense, conocido por su impresionante velocidad y control en la conducción del balón, ha demostrado ser un jugador clave gracias a su habilidad para trabajar los espacios y su inteligencia para jugar sin balón, haciéndolo una amenaza constante para cualquier defensa rival.

En su segunda temporada con el equipo, Díaz ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial, tanto en el plano individual como en su aporte al colectivo. Sus estadísticas hablan por sí solas: 16 goles y 6 asistencias en 21 partidos de temporada regular, sumando un total de 21 puntos para su equipo. Además, realizó 69 disparos a la portería rival, números que subrayan su importancia en el esquema táctico del entrenador Genoni Martínez.

A pesar de haberse perdido los últimos encuentros de la temporada regular debido a un problema muscular, es indudable que Díaz habría participado en los 24 partidos al igual que su compañero Hugo "la roca" Puentes, de no haber sido por esta lesión. La decisión del técnico de darle descanso fue pensada en la recuperación óptima del jugador para los playoffs, evidenciando la importancia de Miguel en los planes futuros del equipo.

Su madurez en el campo y el ímpetu con el que disputa cada partido han sido fundamentales en su primera temporada como titular en el club. A pesar de que ya había jugado cinco partidos la temporada pasada, esos encuentros fueron principalmente para cubrir ausencias por lesiones, viniendo desde la M2, la división de ascenso de la liga. Su transición al equipo principal y su establecimiento como una figura destacada es un testimonio de su desarrollo y adaptabilidad.

Menciones Especiales

Roberto Escalante

En la temporada 2023-2024 de la Major Arena Soccer League (MASL), Roberto Escalante, más conocido como "Cotate" para sus amigos en honor a su hermano Mayor, ha destacado no solo como uno de los jugadores más consistentes de su equipo, el Savage, sino también como una de las figuras más sobresalientes en toda la liga. Originario de Empalme, Sonora, Escalante ha demostrado ser un verdadero embajador del talento mexicano en la MASL.

Escalante ha dedicado ocho temporadas al máximo circuito de la MASL, tiempo durante el cual su juego, determinación y habilidades defensivas le han ganado un lugar representando a México.

Durante la presente campaña, Escalante no solo se ha mantenido como uno de los jugadores con más puntos en el equipo, sino que también ha destacado en facetas defensivas, logrando 41 bloqueos de disparo. Esta cifra lo coloca dentro del top ten de la liga en esta categoría, subrayando su importancia como baluarte defensivo para el Savage.

Sin embargo, la versatilidad de Escalante va más allá de sus habilidades defensivas. Su potente disparo de larga distancia ha sido una herramienta crucial para el Savage, permitiendo al equipo incrementar su ventaja en el marcador en momentos clave. Este atributo destaca su capacidad para influir en el juego en ambos extremos de la cancha, haciéndolo un jugador multifacético.

Diego Reynoso

Desde su llegada, después de que el equipo ya había disputado seis juegos, Reynoso demostró ser un jugador adaptable. Su desempeño sobresaliente lo colocó rápidamente entre los primeros lugares de la liga en categorías críticas como salvamentos, porcentaje de goles encajados y juegos ganados, evidenciando su papel crucial en el éxito defensivo del equipo. Este nivel de excelencia es especialmente notable considerando el desafío que supone adaptarse a un nuevo conjunto en plena competición.

Lo que distingue a Reynoso, además de sus habilidades como portero, es su juego de pies. Esta cualidad lo convierte en un activo ofensivo, facilitando la construcción del juego desde la defensa y contribuyendo a la estrategia ofensiva del Savage. Su capacidad para participar en el juego más allá de su área penal demuestra una versatilidad y una visión del juego. 


In a season of the Major Arena Soccer League (MASL) that will be remembered, several players stood out for their exceptional performance on the field. Among them, Hugo "La Roca" Puentes, Erick Tovar, and Miguel Diaz shone brightly, leading their team as key point generators.

Hugo "La Roca" Puentes

Originally from Ciudad Juárez, Hugo Puentes not only proved to be a fundamental pillar for the Savage throughout the 24 rounds of the competition but also became the leader in the work group. By participating in every match for his team during the regular season, Puentes showed consistency and dedication seldom seen, establishing himself as the player to achieve this feat this year.

Playing as a forward, Puentes has taken advantage of his physical traits, not necessarily his height, but his remarkable strength, which allows him to act effectively as a pivot. This skill facilitates retaining the ball and generating play opportunities for midfielders, in addition to finding spaces to become a natural scorer within the area. With 21 goals this season, two of which were in power play situations, and 13 assists, his offensive contribution has been indispensable. Moreover, he led the league in shots on goal, with an impressive total of 92 attempts, demonstrating his determination and leadership in the attack.

Hugo's career in the MASL now spans six seasons, wearing the jerseys of various teams, but it has been in his last three years with the Savage where he has truly made his mark. His journey is a testament to his evolution as a player and his ability to adapt and stand out, regardless of the team for which he plays.

Erick Tovar

In a MASL season where talent and skill have defined the pace of play, Erick Tovar has emerged as an indispensable player for the Savage, once again proving his worth on the field. Despite joining the team seven rounds after the start of the tournament, Tovar not only quickly adapted to his new environment but also raised the level of play, becoming a key piece of coach Genoni Martínez's tactical scheme.

With the same number of points as Miguel Diaz, Tovar distinguishes himself by a superior percentage, securing his position as the second-highest point generator for the team during the 2023-2024 regular season. In 16 matches, he managed to add 15 goals and 6 assists, in addition to making 67 shots at the opposing goal. His effectiveness was particularly highlighted in power play situations, where he scored 4 goals, placing him among the top ten in the league in this category.

Tovar's style of play is characterized by his quick reaction ability in the area, using his cunning to gain position over defenders and take advantage of the goal. This quality makes him an explosive player, with an exceptional reading of the game, constantly challenging rival defenses.

Tovar began his career with Flash de Monterrey, where his notable performance quickly led him to sign with San Diego Sockers, with whom he experienced ups and downs over four seasons. After a brief return to Monterrey, where he offered good numbers but was ultimately left out of the team for the 2023-2024 season, Tovar found a new opportunity in the Savage. It was Genoni Martínez, the coach who debuted him in the 2014-2015 season, who saw in him the potential to become a team benchmark in the short term.

Tovar's arrival at the Savage has not only been a testament to his adaptability and personal growth.

Miguel Diaz

Miguel Diaz has consolidated himself as one of the fundamental pieces of the team, deservedly occupying the third place in the team hierarchy for his contribution during the regular season 2023-2024. The midfielder from Juarez, known for his impressive speed and ball control, has proven to be a key player thanks to his ability to work spaces and his intelligence to play without the ball, making him a constant threat to any opposing defense.

In his second season with the team, Diaz has experienced exponential growth, both individually and in his contribution to the collective. His stats speak for themselves: 16 goals and 6 assists in 21 regular season matches, adding a total of 21 points for his team. Additionally, he made 69 shots at the opposing goal, numbers that underline his importance in coach Genoni Martínez's tactical scheme.

Despite missing the last matches of the regular season due to a muscle issue, it's undeniable that Diaz would have participated in all 24 matches just like his teammate Hugo "La Roca" Puentes, if not for this injury. The coach's decision to rest him was aimed at the player's optimal recovery for the playoffs, highlighting Miguel's importance in the team's future plans.

His maturity on the field and the impetus with which he disputes each match have been fundamental in his first season as a starter for the club. Although he had already played five matches last season, those games were mainly to cover absences due to injuries, coming from M2, the league's promotion division. His transition to the main team and his establishment as a standout figure is a testament to his development and adaptability.

Special Mentions

Roberto Escalante

In the 2023-2024 season of the Major Arena Soccer League (MASL), Roberto Escalante, better known as "Cotate" to his friends in honor of his older brother, has not only stood out as one of the most consistent players on his team, the Savage, but also as one of the most outstanding figures throughout the league. Originally from Empalme, Sonora, Escalante has proven to be a true ambassador of Mexican talent in the MASL.

The forward's remarkable performance is reflected in his impressive statistics: participating in 22 of the 24 rounds of the regular season, he managed to score 19 goals and provide 11 assists, accumulating a total of 30 points for his team. Furthermore, his 76 shots at the opposing goal demonstrate his proactive and determined approach to the game, making him a constant threat to any defense.

One of the key aspects of Escalante's success this season has been his exceptional ability to perform in power play situations. With 5 goals scored during power plays, he not only contributed significantly to his team's offensive prowess but also positioned himself among the top ten players in the league in this category. His quick reflexes, precise shooting, and ability to find space in crowded areas have made him an indispensable asset to the Savage's attack.

"Cotate's" journey to the MASL is a story of resilience and determination. After a promising start to his career in Mexico, where he showcased his talent in various national tournaments, he faced challenges that tested his commitment to the sport. However, his unwavering dedication and love for soccer led him to the United States, where he initially played in amateur leagues before making the leap to professional indoor soccer.

Joining the Savage in the 2022-2023 season, Escalante quickly adapted to the demands of the MASL, leveraging his experience and skills to make a significant impact. Under the guidance of coach Genoni Martínez, he has continued to develop his game, becoming a more complete and versatile player. His ability to perform under pressure, combined with his work ethic and team-first attitude, has endeared him to fans and teammates alike.

As the Savage prepare for the playoffs, Escalante's leadership and performance on the field will be crucial to their success. His journey from the amateur ranks to becoming one of the stars of the MASL serves as an inspiration to aspiring soccer players everywhere, proving that with talent, hard work, and perseverance, dreams can indeed become reality.

Diego Reynoso

Since his arrival, after the team had already played six games, Reynoso has proven to be an adaptable player. His outstanding performance quickly placed him among the league leaders in critical categories such as saves, percentage of goals conceded, and games won, highlighting his crucial role in the team's defensive success. This level of excellence is particularly notable considering the challenge of adapting to a new team in the midst of competition.

What sets Reynoso apart, in addition to his impressive goalkeeping skills, is his footwork. This quality makes him an offensive asset, facilitating the build-up play from the defense and contributing to the Savage's offensive strategy. His ability to participate in the game beyond his penalty area demonstrates versatility and a keen understanding of the game.